Upload TM pieces

Through this page you can send to PAIS the translation units (TM piece) produced by yourself or by a language service provider (LSP) for recycling. After a while you will be informed by eMail, whether our system accepted or not your file, and eventually you receive an ID for a voucher.

Depending on the actual amount of orders at PAIS, the answer to your uploading process can take a couple of minutes!!! If however the answer to you needs more than 5 minutes, in that particular case please contact us personally, as meanwhile something could be gone wrong!

Please take into account that we accept txt files only, which we have sent to you in advance and which must have in its name one of our IDs and the infix “_translation_memory_tm_piece_” anyway!

At the moment this service is free of charge, and for that reason, we decline the right of legal persuit. This service can cost somewhat in the near future.

In case that you have a proposal for the improvement of the functionality of this service page, please get in touch with us, right here on the bottom of this page, under “Leave a Reply”.

You are using our service in a free way.

Now do fill in carefully the necessary fields and send us your data, followed by the file TM piece.

* Required field
Privacy policy 

Valid file types: txt.
Maximum file size: 10mb.